A Visual: Blazers’ Roy vs. The Mavs

It was an instant classic in yesterday’s Dallas Mavericks-Portland Trail Blazers game four and perhaps the game of the 2011 NBA playoffs.

Like something out of a Hollywood movie script, all the players were there: the overwhelming odds against a seemingly unbeatable foe — Dallas Mavericks and their 23 point lead, the comeback kid — Brandon Roy, and the dramatic ending where the insurmountable odds and unbeatable foe are defeated.

Blazers’ Roy led the charge with 24 points, and five rebounds for his team and the series is now tied up at 2-2. I can go on and on about Roy’s amazing fourth quarter performance but as they as, a picture is worth a thousand words.

Check out how Roy single-handedly took on the Mavericks in the pivotal fourth quarter comeback for Portland.

(visual: espn.com)
