Video: John Wall Celebrates His 21st In Style

When you turned 21, I’m sure you had a get together with some of your closest friends, maybe hit up a sports club, got inebriated, bought rounds of cheap beer, some liquor, and felt you did up your birthday in grand style.

Of course you were not a 21-year old NBA star with more money than you know what to do with like Washington Wizards guard John Wall.

Wall rang in his 21st in grand style at NYC’s posh lounge Greenhouse which included tons of people he probably never met, women dancing in lingerie and also having Carmelo Anthony and Baron Davis make an appearance. Even Diddy took the mic and wished him a happy birthday while proceeding to rap at the party.

Check out the video of all this and more including Wall lip-syncing every song played and doing the “Dougie.”

Ah to be rich, young, and famous.

NSFW language in video!
