Inside the NBA Chariots of Backfire ends in controversy

Thursday on TNT's Inside The NBA, the crew held one of the greatest athletic events in the history of late-night TV postgame studio show history.

After Chris Webber made fun of Kenny Smith's running to the video board for "Kenny's Pictures" during a halftime show, Smith challenged the TNT crew, including Webber, to a footrace. Charles Barkley, Webber, Shaquille O'Neal and Ernie Johnson accepted the challenge.

The results? Hilarious.


Chris Webber is your unofficial winner. Kenny Smith, who refused to take his silver cardboard cutout of a medal, finished second. And Ernie Johnson is the real winner because everyone else false started.

Good to see though that Webber still has some speed, Kenny still thinks he is a better player than he was and Shaquille O'Neal will only play himself into shape.

About Philip Rossman-Reich

Philip Rossman-Reich is the managing editor for Crossover Chronicles and Orlando Magic Daily. You can follow him on twitter @OMagicDaily
