Writer-Palooza: Reggie Miller owns New York

Crossover Chronicles is a relatively new blog, so we decided it was a good idea to introduce you to the crew.  We’re doing that in a new feature called “Writer-Palooza.”  For the next few days, we will feature one writer, introducing him to you via an orignal piece, his favorite basketball video and a wildcard post on any topic that he wants.

We begin today with Kyle Boenitz.  You can find him on Twitter here.

It’s actually really tough for me to pick a favorite basketball video of all time. If I was asked to pick a least favorite, two come to mind almost instantly: the Robert Horry hip check and the Tim Duncan three-pointer. Both against the Suns, and since I was a Suns fan for a while, those are no-brainers. But since no one has posted my one dunk in high school (the highlight of my sports career) on YouTube, it’s hard for me to immediately come up with a favorite video.

So I thought about it and wanted to pick a video that I’ve seen hundreds of times before but still blows me away every time I see it. A moment in basketball history that still gives me chills.

I came up with this:

Reggie Miller’s unreal come back against the hated, rival New York Knicks in the playoffs. I was nine at the time, but I still vaguely remember watching it, and talking about it at school for the longest time after. It’s a piece of basketball legend that I will never forget, I’m sure I’m not alone on this one either.
