That's Donald Sloan of the Cleveland Cavaliers, with maybe the most hilarious flop I've ever seen. The arms up while spinning will be a great audition for the Cavs community theater production of The Sound of Music.
But as funny as it is, it's a no-no in today's NBA, even though it wasn't called. So Sloan got a little warning from the league as part of its new anti-flopping policy. If there's a next time, he'll get popped for $5,000.
He's not alone. JJ Barea of the Minnesota Timberwolves got warned for his flop, a just as egregious and, this time, whistle-drawing fake-out. I'm not sure about Sloan, but Barea should be worried. He no stranger to flopping, and his instincts might end up costing him a lot of money. The fine by the fifth offense is $30,000.
There'll be more, for sure. I saw DeShawn Stevenson go down like he was shot on a barely illegal screen last night against Oklahoma City. It will be interesting to see how effective this policy is as guys start paying big fines for flops.