Nick Young May Have Pouted His Way Out Of Drew/Goodman Showdown

Nick Young might be the only player who has to ice down his shooting arm after a game. 

There, now that I got the requisite “Nick Young shoots a lot” joke out of the way, we can move on to the weird story about how he sorta, maybe, could have been so upset over not winning the Drew League MVP that he was replaced on the roster for the Drew/Goodman showdown.

This all unfolded as a big Twitter back-and-forth that is well documented on Bullets Forever.

Here’s where we are:

Drew League Commish Dino Smiley says Young is pissed he didn’t win the Drew League MVP, so he’s off the showdown roster, replaced by #2 pick Derrick Williams.  Marc Spears even included the same information in a report yesterday.

But then a report later yesterday says Young is back in.  But he’s been replaced on the roster already.  So now if Young really is going to play, someone else is going to have to drop out.  That might not be a problem, because players are starting to have “scheduling conflicts” that will keep them out of the game.

For what it’s worth, Nick tweeted the right words about this “controversy”.  But we’re still left to piece together the truth and the fiction that led to all of this.  I have a hard time believing that a simple miscommunication led to all of this.  I believe there is some truth to the whole “being upset over not being MVP.”  It seems like a very “Nick Young” thing to do.  Of course, so was the 60 points he dropped in a loss that cost his team a Drew League playoff spot.

You don’t get to the point of not being on the roster just because you didn’t answer a phone call or two.  There’s more behind that.  There’s some sulking involved.  And it’s sulking over some Pro-Am MVP.   

If you want a trophy that badly, Nick, I’ll buy you one.  I’ll just put it on my Crossover Chronicles expense report along with all the Slim Jims and Mountain Dew. 
